What are louvered shutters? They are slats that are within a shutter panel most of the time being horizontal in nature. You can have movable louvers or ones that are fixed. The movable ones can be adjusted to let in light and air but a drawback of these is that each louver is separate. Over time, as the shutter ages, the wood may warp and it is hard to keep all the louvers in line with one another. In this case, the shutter will not look very good from an aesthetic point of view.
If you are looking into louvered shutters ideas, you need to choose from real louvers or faux louvers. You can have decorative shutters made that are all one piece but there is no air or light that travels through the louvers as it is solid behind. In the case of faux louvered shutters, you never have to worry about everything being aligned but of course you get no real benefit from them either as they are just for show.
If you are looking into louvered shutters ideas, you need to choose from real louvers or faux louvers. You can have decorative shutters made that are all one piece but there is no air or light that travels through the louvers as it is solid behind. In the case of faux louvered shutters, you never have to worry about everything being aligned but of course you get no real benefit from them either as they are just for show.
With louvered shutters, whether they are made out of vinyl, wood, faux wood, fiberglass, or some other material, the key important element seems to be the louver tension. This kind of shutter only looks good if all the louvers are aligned at the same angle and as any shutter ages, the tension between the movable louvers and the shutter they are attached to becomes a consideration. Since there are so many moving parts on a louvered shutter, it is hard to keep them all at the same angle.
If the tension is too little, the louver just hangs. Some shutters have a tension screw that you need to adjust which will help with keeping all the louvers in place. Without a tension screw, a louvered shutter that is old can be come totally useless as the louvers won't stay where you want them too.
This kind of shutter is great and has many uses. However, you need to be prepared to deal with the moving parts that other shutter types don't have. Interior louvered shutters are usually experience less problems as the material you choose is not exposed to the elements like exterior shutters are.