Interior shutters are probabley the best way to add value to your windows. Put simply, wooden interior shutters are fantastically versatile giving you more control and choices not available from curtains or wooden blinds. Interior shutters are available in a wide range of materials but wood is by far the most popular.
Interior wooden shutters are made into panels that are connected to make units to fit the window. Interior shutters are usually used inside the home in place of blinds and they are a great alternative to curtains, blinds, and any other window coverings. Interior shutters are also the more traditional, classic look and have withstood the changing tastes of many a generation.
Plantation interior shutters are the classic and most popular style of interior shutter. The most commonly used woods in the production of interior shutters are: basswood, poplar, alder, cedar and pine. Synthetic interior shutters are cheaper but they sometimes have a plastic look that is not so appealing. For people who must adhere to a budget, you can get interior vinyl shutters for approximately 40% less than wooden shutters.
The benefits of having interior shutters, over blinds, are two-fold: interior shutters are more durable, and look classier. Interior shutters enhance the decor of most any window in your house. They can be used alone or with additional window coverings (such as drapes for added design), they go with almost any style of home and are long lasting.
Wooden shutters provide the greatest variety of optional features as well as the highest performance rating in the widest range of applications. Wood shutters are among the most popular window panels in the market.