Finding good cheap shutters can be a challenge and you may not be able to find them right away. You should look for a retailer that will give you a wholesale discounted price and then you should be prepaired to to everything yourself. Once you have someone come in to install them for you that will drive up the price.
Wooden shutters are more expensive than some other materials such as plastic or vinyl. Plastic shutters can be made to look just like wood, however, and no one will ever know that they are not wood. This is the best route if you are looking for cheap wooden shutters.
If you are going to install them yourself and not get custom ones, you must find some ready made cheap shutters that are already the correct dimensions. You may have to get some help from your neighbor or someone on the block who is a handyman to help you install them but once they are in, you will have some nice looking wood shutters that look much better than cheap blinds.